Your can synchronise your workflow directory using smos-sync-client
This synchronisation works with arbitrary amounts of time between synchronisations,
so it is perfect for taking your laptop onto an airplane.
A community sync-server has been set up at
Usage: smos-sync-client COMMAND [--config-file FILE_PATH]
[--workflow-dir DIRECTORY_PATH]
[--archive-dir DIRECTORY_PATH]
[--projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATH]
[--archived-projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATHPATH]
[--log-level ARG] [--server-url ARG] [--username ARG]
[--password ARG] [--password-file ARG]
[--data-dir DIRECTORY] [--cache-dir DIRECTORY]
[--session-path FILEPATH]
Smos Sync Client version: 0.6.0
Current Smos data format version: 2.0.0
Oldest parseable Smos data format version: 0.0.0
Newest parseable Smos data format version: 2.0.0
Oldest supported Smos server API version: 0.0.0
Newest supported Smos server API version: 0.4.0
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--config-file FILE_PATH The config file to use
--workflow-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
The workflow directory to use
--archive-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
The archive directory to use
--projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
The projects directory to use
--archived-projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATHPATH
The archived projects directory to use
--log-level ARG The log level to use, options:
--server-url ARG The server to sync with
--username ARG The username to login to the sync server
--password ARG The password to login to the sync server WARNING: You
are trusting the system that you run this command on
if you pass in the password via command-line
--password-file ARG The password file to login to the sync server
--data-dir DIRECTORY The directory to store state metadata in (not the
contents to be synced)
--cache-dir DIRECTORY The directory to cache state data in
--session-path FILEPATH The path to store the login session
Available commands:
register Register at a sync server
login Login at a sync server
sync Sync with a sync server
Available environment variables:
Archived projects directory
Archive directory
SMOS_BACKUP_DIR The directory to store backups in
when a sync conflict happens
Workflow directory
The path to the directory to sync
SMOS_EMPTY_DIRS What to do with empty directories
after syncing
Which files to ignore
SMOS_LOG_LEVEL log level
The path to the database of
SMOS_PASSWORD The password to sync with
The password file to sync with
Projects directory
SMOS_SERVER_URL The url of the server to sync with
The path to the file in which to
store the auth session
SMOS_USERNAME The username to sync with
SMOS_UUID_FILE The path to the uuid file of the
Workflow directory
# Configuration
workflow-dir: # optional
# The workflow directory
# or null
archive-dir: # optional
# The archive directory
# or null
projects-dir: # optional
# The projects directory
# or null
archived-projects-dir: # optional
# The archived projects directory
# or null
sync: # optional
# Synchronisation configuration
# or null
# SyncConfiguration
log-level: # optional
# The minimal severity for log messages
# or null
def: LogLevel
# The log level to use, options:
# ["Debug","Info","Warn","Error"]
server-url: # optional
# The url of the sync server. Example:
# or null
data-dir: # optional
# The directory to store state metadata in (not the contents to be synced)
# or null
cache-dir: # optional
# The directory to cache state data in
# or null
contents-dir: # optional
# The directory of the files to synchronise. By default this will be the workflow directory.
# or null
uuid-file: # optional
# The file in which to store the server uuid
# or null
metadata-db: # optional
# The file to store the metadata database in
# or null
ignore-files: # optional
# Which files to ignore
# or null
# nothing: Don't ignore any files
# hidden: Ignore hidden files
# one of
[ nothing
, hidden
empty-directories: # optional
# What to do with empty directories after syncing
# or null
# remove: Remove empty directories after syncing
# keep: Keep empty directories after syncing
# one of
[ remove
, keep
username: # optional
# The username to log into the sync server
# or null
password: # optional
# The password to log into the sync server. Note that putting the password in a config file in plaintext is not safe. Only use this for automation.
# or null
password-file: # optional
# The password file to log into the sync server.
# or null
session-path: # optional
# The file in which to store the login session cookie
# or null
backup-dir: # optional
# The directory to store backups in when a sync conflict happens
# or null