Smos Logo Smos

A comprehensive self-management system

Customisation in Haskell

Documentation for customising your Smos usage from Haskell like you do with Xmonad


Smos is available via a default build without any programming involved. If you are looking to customise smos without writing any code, please see the respective guide

Your own smos

Smos is not a program as much as it is a library to write your own version of smos. (This is a lot like the way Xmonad does things.)

Set up a Haskell project

To customise Smos within Haskell for yourself, you will need to set up your own little Haskell project. You can do this with either stack or with Nix. In this tutorial we will use stack, because I assume that if you want to use Nix, you know what you are doing and you will be able to figure it out.

To get started, have stack setup a new project:

stack new my-smos
cd my-smos

Getting the smos dependency

Next, you need to make sure that stack knows where to find smos. By the time you read this, the relevant packages may already be on stackage so this step may not be necessary, but to make sure that this guide gives reproducible results, we add get the sources directly:

To make that happen, copy the "extra-deps" section of Smos' stack.yaml to your stack.yaml.


Add smos to the project dependencies in package.yaml:

  source-dirs: src
  - smos

Compile the project with this extra dependency:

stack build

Remaking the default smos

In src/Lib.hs, replace the contents by this:

module Lib
    ( someFunc
    ) where

import Smos
import Smos.Default

someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = smos defaultConfig

Compile this with stack build. Now you should be able to run stack exec my-smos-exe. Now you can start customising the configuration that you pass to the smos function to your heart's content. If you are unsure where to start, you can have a look at the default configuration.

Note: The smos function will also deal with flags, environment variables and configuration files. If you want to make your customisations without these features, you can use smosWithoutRuntimeConfig instead.