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A comprehensive self-management system

Stuck projects report

Documentation about the smos-query stuck command, for viewing your projects by when you last touched them

This report shows you all your projects in order of when you last touched them.



smos-query stuck [FILTER] [--threshold TIME]

  FILTER      A filter to filter projects by                                     
  --threshold The threshold at which to color stuck projects red default: Weeks 3

Environment variables

  SMOS_STUCK_THRESHOLD TIME   The threshold at which to color stuck projects red   default: Weeks 3

Configuration values

  The threshold at which to color stuck projects red
  default: Weeks 3
    # or null
    def: Time
    # any of
    [ # Time string, for example:
      #  2s
      #  2 seconds
      #  3m
      #  3 minutes
      #  4h
      #  4 hours
      #  5d
      #  5 days
      #  6w
      #  6 weeks
      #  7mo
      #  7 months
      #  8y
      #  8 years
    , # Interpreted as a number of days
      <integer> # 64 bit unsigned integer

Combined settings

Usage: smos-query stuck [FILTER] [--threshold TIME]

Run the stuck projects report

Available settings:
  Show this help text
  switch: -h|--help

  A filter to filter projects by
  argument: FILTER

  The threshold at which to color stuck projects red
  option: --threshold TIME
    stuck.threshold: # or null
      def: Time
      # any of
      [ # Time string, for example:
        #  2s
        #  2 seconds
        #  3m
        #  3 minutes
        #  4h
        #  4 hours
        #  5d
        #  5 days
        #  6w
        #  6 weeks
        #  7mo
        #  7 months
        #  8y
        #  8 years
      , # Interpreted as a number of days
        <integer> # 64 bit unsigned integer
  default: Weeks 3