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A comprehensive self-management system

Init command

Documentation about the smos-jobhunt init command, for initiating an application project

Run the smos-jobhunt init command after applying online, and it will create a tracking project for you to keep track of your application process.

Example invocation:

smos-github init "CS SYD" --name "Tom Sydney Kerckhove" --url ""



Usage: smos-jobhunt init COMPANY [-n|--name NAME] [-e|--email EMAIL_ADDRESS] 
                         [-u|--url URL]

  Initiate an application process

Available options:
  COMPANY                  The company you just applied to
  -n,--name NAME           The name of your contact at the company
  -e,--email EMAIL_ADDRESS Email address of the contact
  -u,--url URL             The url of the job ad
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Global options:
  --config-file FILE_PATH  The config file to use
  --log-level ARG          The log level to use, options:
  --workflow-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The workflow directory to use
  --archive-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The archive directory to use
  --projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The projects directory to use
  --archived-projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATHPATH
                           The archived projects directory to use
  -d,--directory DIRECTORY The directory to put jobhunt projects in
  -g,--goal GOAL           The goal for initialised projects
  -w,--waiting-threshhold TIME
                           The waiting threshold initialised projects


The init command does not use any extra environment variables.


The init command admits no extra configuration.