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A comprehensive self-management system

Entry report: generic querying

Documentation about the smos-query entry command, for generic querying of the entries in your workflow

The first command to consider is the entry command. It allows you to run a filter over all of your entries.



Usage: smos-query entry [FILTER] [--add-column|--project PROJECTION] 
                        [--sort SORTER] [--hide-archived | (-a|--show-archived)]
                        [--pretty | --yaml | --json | --pretty-json]

  Select entries based on a given filter

Available options:
  FILTER                   A filter to filter entries by
  --add-column,--project PROJECTION
                           A projection to project entries onto fields
  --sort SORTER            A sorter to sort entries by
  --hide-archived          ignore archived files.
  -a,--show-archived       Don't ignore archived files.
  --pretty                 pretty text
  --yaml                   Yaml
  --json                   single-line JSON
  --pretty-json            pretty JSON
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Global options:
  --config-file FILE_PATH  The config file to use
  --workflow-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The workflow directory to use
  --archive-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The archive directory to use
  --projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATH
                           The projects directory to use
  --archived-projects-dir DIRECTORY_PATHPATH
                           The archived projects directory to use


This command does not use any extra environment variables.


This command admits no extra configuration.