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A comprehensive self-management system

Entry report: generic querying

Documentation about the smos-query entry command, for generic querying of the entries in your workflow

The first command to consider is the entry command. It allows you to run a filter over all of your entries.



smos-query entry [FILTER [FILTER]] [--columns COLUMNS] [--sort SORTER [--sort SORTER]] [--hide-archive | --show-archive|-a] [--pretty | --yaml | --json | [--pretty-json]]

  FILTER            A filter to filter entries by                                            
  FILTER            A filter to filter entries by                                            
  --columns         The columns in the report     default: OntoFile :| [OntoState,OntoHeader]
  --sort            A sorter to sort entries by                                              
  --sort            A sorter to sort entries by                                              
  --hide-archive    Hide archived files                                                      
  --show-archive|-a Do not hide archived files                                               
  --pretty          pretty text                                                              
  --yaml            Yaml                                                                     
  --json            single-line JSON                                                         
  --pretty-json     pretty JSON                   default: pretty                            

Environment variables

  SMOS_ENTRY_COLUMNS COLUMNS       The columns in the report              default: OntoFile :| [OntoState,OntoHeader]
  SMOS_ENTRY_SORTER SORTER         A sorter to sort entries by                                                       
  SMOS_ENTRY_IGNORE_ARCHIVE BOOL   Whether to consider archived entries   default: HideArchive                       

Configuration values

  The columns in the report
  default: OntoFile :| [OntoState,OntoHeader]
    # or null
    - def: Projection
      # A column (projection) is a string of one of the following forms:
      # file
      # state
      # header
      # tag:<tag-name>
      # property:<property-name>
      # timestamp:<timestamp-name>
      # ancestor:<projection>
  A sorter to sort entries by
    # any of
    [ null
    , def: Sorter
      # A sorter is a string of one of the following forms:
      # file
      # header
      # state
      # tag:<tag>
      # property:<property-name>
      # property-as-time:<property-name>
      # timestamp:<timestamp-name>
      # reverse:<sorter>
      # (<sorter> then <sorter>)
    , - ref: Sorter
  Whether to consider archived entries
  default: HideArchive
    # or null

Combined settings

Usage: smos-query entry [FILTER [FILTER]] [--columns COLUMNS] [--sort SORTER [--sort SORTER]] [--hide-archive | --show-archive|-a] [--pretty | --yaml | --json | [--pretty-json]]

Run a custom report with given filter, sorter, ...

Available settings:
  Show this help text
  switch: -h|--help

  A filter to filter entries by
  argument: FILTER

  A filter to filter entries by
  argument: FILTER

  The columns in the report
  option: --columns COLUMNS
    entry.columns: # or null
      - def: Projection
        # A column (projection) is a string of one of the following forms:
        # file
        # state
        # header
        # tag:<tag-name>
        # property:<property-name>
        # timestamp:<timestamp-name>
        # ancestor:<projection>
  default: OntoFile :| [OntoState,OntoHeader]

  A sorter to sort entries by
  option: --sort SORTER

  A sorter to sort entries by
  option: --sort SORTER

  A sorter to sort entries by
    entry.sorter: # any of
      [ null
      , def: Sorter
        # A sorter is a string of one of the following forms:
        # file
        # header
        # state
        # tag:<tag>
        # property:<property-name>
        # property-as-time:<property-name>
        # timestamp:<timestamp-name>
        # reverse:<sorter>
        # (<sorter> then <sorter>)
      , - ref: Sorter

  Hide archived files
  switch: --hide-archive

  Do not hide archived files
  switch: --show-archive|-a

  Whether to consider archived entries
    entry.hide-archive: # or null
  default: HideArchive

  pretty text
  switch: --pretty

  switch: --yaml

  single-line JSON
  switch: --json

  pretty JSON
  switch: --pretty-json
  default: pretty